coverart musicvideo generator

render your INSTAGRAM square MusiccVideo here ↓ FREE!
More than 15 characters are not recommended
with this tag videos are searched and placed in the background of the video. For best results try out your tags at
Separate the tags with spaces. Please do not use special characters.
Upload your song coverimage or album artwork. This image is the main content in the middle of the video.
Upload requirements
Upload your song as an mp3
Upload requirements
Create your Musicc.Video for social media

How it works.

Upload your song & choose tags for your video.

Your song will be analyzed and the video will be produced so the cuts match your music.

Hit "Render!" and your video will be rendered in the cloud.

The generator finds videos matching your tags at the Pexels library and adds filters and fades, matching your music!

Download your new amazing coverart musicvideo.            

Your video is ready to be spread all over the world. In the unlikely event that you are unhappy, be sure to check my tips!




Try before you buy ;-)  

If you want to find out which tags are the best for your coverart musicvideo, then try them out beforehand at pexels (videos). Just enter the keywords in the search bar and see if the results fit your idea of the coverart musicvideo.

  • try keywords that represent your song.
  • try synonyms if the videos do not fit.
  • try to generalize. For example "cities" leads to better videos than a certain city name.

Why use this tool?  

moving images attract attention and make the user spend more time with your content. If you want people to listen to your music until the end of your song on youtube, facebook or instagram then a good video is key!

  • surprise your listeners with a video that looks professional 
  • increase the listening time of your followers.
  • reach more listeners and highlight the message of your song.
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Create your video for free!
or feel free to buy it in HD.




  • Musicc.Video Watermark
  • Low resolution
  • Teaser: Only 1 minute length
  • No video hosting


Single video


  • "High Definition" resolution
  • Up to 5 minutes length
  • No watermark
  • 12 month video hosting

Quantity Discount

Each when buying 4 or more videos

Top Features

  • "High Definition" resolution
  • Up to 5 minutes length
  • No watermark
  • 12 month video hosting